Rheinmetall unveils its Mission Master SP – Fire Support at the Ammunition Capability Demo 2019
Rheinmetall Canada showcased a new weaponised configuration of its Mission Master Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) during the Ammunition Capability Demonstration (ACD) event held at the Denel Overberg Test Range in South Africa. Armed with the Rheinmetall Fieldranger Multi weapon station and a 70 mm rocket launcher from Thales, the newly developed Rheinmetall Mission Master SP – Fire Support fired a salvo of 14 rockets, delivering 60 kg of explosives in 1.6 seconds, a feat never achieved before in the land domain.

As demonstrated at ACD 2019, the Mission Master SP – Fire Support maximises soldier efficiency and substantially boosts the combat power of dismounted troops by providing close fire support. The Mission Master UGV can also conduct autonomous high-risk military tasks, resulting in a cognitive and physical stress relief in today’s complex battlespace.

Passion for technology. Rheinmetall is a market leader in the areas of environmentally friendly mobility and threat-appropriate security technology.
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